Dollar Bowling Club
Positions achieved 12th January 2009 (3 days)
Optimised Design - kContent Club/Society Content Management System - Geo Targeted SEO - Content Optimisation - Page Title and Meta Description Optimisation - Mini Link Campaign
Dollar Bowling Club was the first of our Club/Scociety kContent content management systems. As the name of the club would suggest, they are based in Dollar, in Clackmannanshire, Central Scotland; just along the road from our offices.
The site appears on the front page of for:
Dollar Bowlers
Dollar Bowling Club
Dollar Bowls
Clackmannanshire Bowling Club
Balfour Trophy
Although the site appears on the front pages of the search engines for numerous other terms, as a local club, there are very few terms that people enter into the search engines to find the site that the five above and perhaps another dozen terms.
We have included it as an example of how versatile the kContent system is and the club/society version may be of interest to your club or society, whether you are looking for a football club website, a golf club website, or a knitting club site.
To find out how the Kenkai Team can help your club or society to feature on the search engines for your Key Phrases, contact us now